Our Story
Since our humble beginning as a prayer group (led by Bro. & Sis. Prentiss Smith) in 2003 with just a few, God's House Of Prayer has been blessed in many ways through God. Pastor Roger T. Hayes Jr. and 1st Lady Rochelle Hayes have stayed faithful to the Lord's calling from triumph to victory!
From the basement of their home we worshipped and have continued to journey upward ever since! In his earliest call in leading the Care Ministry, Pastor Hayes humbly tended to the needs of the sick and shut-in as well as the afflicted.
Currently, our membership has grown and strengthened by each signature move God has taken us through, and given us great joy in continuing to "press toward the mark!". We are always in a season of expectancy for the mighty move of God as He continues to reveal His True Church in these challenging -yet precious times.